Sponsor Levels
$10,000 Diamond
Sponsor name and logo included in annual NTS Gator Nation video.
Sponsor name and logo featured on 6-foot banner at entrance of event.
Sponsor name and logo one shout out every other month on our social media throughout year (up to 6).
Plus, everything listed under Platinum Level.
$5,000 Platinum
Sponsor name and logo included on event website.
Sponsor may provide a banner to be prominently displayed at event (inside or at main entry point) or sponsor name and logo will be featured on 24 x 36 sign at event.
Sponsor name and logo one shout out every other month on our social media throughout year (up to 6).
Plus, everything listed under Gold Level.
$2,500 Gold
Sponsor name and logo will be featured on 24 x 36 sign at event.
Sponsor may include a mutually agreed upon item with company logo in every honored guest’s gift bag.
Sponsor name and logo one shout out every three months on our social media throughout year (up to 4).
Plus, everything listed under Silver Level.
$1,000 Silver
Sponsor’s Logo will be part of a slideshow presentation happening throughout the prom event.
Sponsor name and logo one shout out every six months on our social media throughout year (up to 2).
Plus, everything listed under Bronze Level.
$500 Bronze
Sponsor name and logo included on large event banner put up the week before the event.
Sponsor name and logo featured on the back of our annual NTS themed shirt given to all guests and available for sale to our volunteers.
Sponsor name and logo one shout out once on our social media.
Sponsor name and logo included on the information card provided in the gift bag for each honored guest.
Sponsor’s name and logo will be placed on sign identifying them with their sponsorship level or items donated.